Baltic     Arunas     Friday 27 March 2009 - 20:14:54

I hope, next week will have a new Baltic ranking.

If we (I and Zanis) will not find a good system and general opinion for baltic ranking system, it will be as I think it's best (as I'm single owner and sponsor).

Ranking points will got LT, LV and EE rankig competitions and big international competitions in thees countries, and + some other big international competitions (more than 32 men...).
If Zanis will still have negative opinion about Premium Cup or Riga Cup, I will do Baltic Ranking alone.

BALTIC RANKING SYSTEM: (points from last 52 weeks (one year))

WDF competitions in Baltic states and coutries championhips:
1 place -60, 2'nd - 40, 3'd - 20, 5'th - 12, 9'th - 6 points.
LT-LT-EE and other Baltic ranking competitions
1 place -40, 2'nd - 20, 3'd - 10, 5'th - 6, 9'th - 3 points.

If you have another opinion about new Baltic ranking system - your commentars are welcome.

I think it will be interesting to see LT-LV-EE darts club ranking. But as I know, at this moment only Lithuania has club ranking system.
Ereything nexh week.

Best regards

Arūnas (
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